Tuesday, April 1, 2014


     The three life-altering experiences in an origin story are trauma, destiny, and chance. Trauma occurs emotionally or physically. Spider-man experienced trauma because his uncle was killed by a robber. Destiny is the idea that someone was born for a purpose. Ender Wiggin's destiny was to destroy the alien race and restore it. Finally, it's just chance that a random event happens to influence heroism. It was just chance that Megamind came to Earth.
     The basis of my origin story is chance. At 6 PM my friend called me saying,"Dude, I've been invited to go to this sweet convention where they are going to introduce a new machine that will perform the impossible and they said I could bring one other person. You coming?" "Heck yeah. Where do I meet you?" "At the King Center in three hours." "I'll be there!" "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the most extraordinary night of your lives!" He shows the machine and everyone yells and screams. Then he says a bunch of scientific stuff with big words, so I just tuned out. "Alright, is someone brave enough to test this out!" Everyone is screaming so loud, I swear there was blood oozing out of my ears. "Everyone put your name on the piece of paper located under your seat and write your name. " Dude there's no point in filling this out, there has to be at least 10,000 people here, I say." "Then you have a 1/10,000 chance, said my friend." I write my name on a piece of paper and then I hear the host say,"Now for the drawing." He chose one piece of paper and he read it aloud saying,"The winner of the drawing is...Zachary Carter!" I'm petrified with shock. I see my friend move his mouth but I couldn't hear him over everyone's screams. I walk up there and I get into the machine. Then everything went dark. Next thing I know, the door opens and I get out. The whole building is gone! There are mass amounts of dead bodies. I ran, but with surprising speed to my friend. He is barely breathing so I concentrate on healing him. I hear his breath coming back and his ribs pushing up. Then he starts flying! Then I try obtaining water with my mind. It worked! I also made fire, rocks, and I could use the air around me. I had elemental powers, too! I have finally harnessed my chi. We both flied out of the building and talked about how we were going to use these powers. He told me, " Everyone will call me the Cold Assassin. I'm going to use these powers to make everyone bow before me. Are you with me or against me?" "I guess I'm against you." Then he fled. It was on that day I knew I had to stop him because I am the Thesis Statement!

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